Cor­por­ate Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion

One size does not fit all


Cus­tom­ized Cor­por­ate Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion Strategies

In the event of a dis­pute with­in a part­ner­ship or a com­pany, one of the most import­ant ques­tions is what will hap­pen to the enter­prise, cli­ents and assets. HVG Law’s Cor­por­ate Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion team holds the exper­i­ence and a proven busi­ness acu­men for an effi­cient res­ol­u­tion of dis­putes between share­hold­ers, part­ners and mem­bers in these cir­cum­stances. Our track record demon­strates our team’s deal-mak­ing skills in a con­ten­tious set­ting.

Exper­i­enced Rep­res­ent­a­tion in Share­hold­er Dis­putes and D&O liab­il­ity

One of the great strengths of our prac­tice is our abil­ity to suc­cess­fully man­age strained busi­ness & cor­por­ate rela­tion­ships: be it share­hold­er dis­putes or mat­ters of dir­ect­ors and officers liab­il­ity. Our attor­neys aim to fully under­stand the com­plex­it­ies of your busi­ness and will make the required efforts to pro­tect your leg­al rights and busi­ness interests through­out the res­ol­u­tion of the dis­pute or liab­il­ity mat­ter at hand.
Our Cor­por­ate Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion team rep­res­ents major­ity and minor­ity share­hold­ers, dir­ect­ors and officers of lim­ited liab­il­ity com­pan­ies in a com­pre­hens­ive range of D&O, share­hold­er and part­ner­ship dis­putes, includ­ing:

• part­ner­ship and share­hold­er dis­putes
• joint ven­ture dis­putes
• dis­pute related demer­gers and unbund­ling
• dir­ect­ors’ & officers’ liab­il­ity
• pre- and post-M&A dis­putes


Our stra­tegic alli­ance with EY Tax and our famili­ar­ity with the com­plex leg­al mat­ters that fre­quently arise in share­hold­er dis­putes, allows us to skill­fully advoc­ate our cli­ents’ pos­i­tions in high-stakes, high-pro­file and cross-bor­der mat­ters. Our estab­lished abil­ity to pro­tect share­hold­er rights makes us a logic­al choice to rep­res­ent your interests in the nego­ti­ation, medi­ation, arbit­ra­tion or lit­ig­a­tion of share­hold­er dis­putes.