HVG Law rank­ings in Leg­al 500 2019


The Leg­al 500 rank­ings for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) 2019 are known. HVG Law is rep­res­en­ted in the Leg­al 500 rank­ings this year with 4 prac­tice areas and 9 law­yers. The rank­ings for HVG Law are as fol­lows:

Prac­tice areas:

  • Com­mer­cial, Cor­por­ate and M&A
  • EU and com­pet­i­tion
  • Employ­ment
  • Restruc­tur­ing and insolv­ency


Com­mer­cial, cor­por­ate and M&A – ranked: tier 7

  • Rutger Lambriex
  • Sijmen de Lange

Quote: “HVG Law LLP offers restruc­tur­ing and cor­por­ate gov­ernance togeth­er with its M&A and joint ven­ture expert­ise on both domest­ic and cross-bor­der deals and has a strong focus on the tech­no­logy, agribusi­ness, and food sec­tors. Sijmen de Lange and Rutger Lambriex head the group.


EU and com­pet­i­tion – ranked: tier 4

  • Misha lutje Beerenbroek

Quote: “HVG Law LLP’s team rep­res­ents Alpro in long­stand­ing lit­ig­a­tion ini­ti­ated by the Dutch Dairy Asso­ci­ation. Prac­tice head Misha Lutje Beerenbroek. The prac­tice, which is part of EY’s integ­rated multi-dis­cip­lin­ary plat­form, also handles a steady flow of cross-bor­der work.


Employ­ment – ranked: tier 5

  • Huub van Osch
  • Nicky ten Bokum

Quote: “Work­ing with cor­por­ate, fin­ance, and tax spe­cial­ist, the group at HVG Law LLP  assists cli­ents with all employ­ment and labour mat­ters arising from mer­gers and integ­ra­tions, as well as out­sourcing, works coun­cil con­sulta­tions, and nego­ti­ations with trade uni­ons. Joost van Ladesteijn and asso­ci­ate part­ners Nicky ten Bokum and Huub van Osch are the key con­tacts who attract cli­ents includ­ing Air France-KLM, Belkin, and Infosys. The team acted for COOP on all the employ­ment issues arising from the pro­posed pur­chase of Emté which involved some 6,500 employ­ees.


Restruc­tur­ing and insolv­ency – ranked: tier 4

  • Jan Padberg
  • Johan Westerhof
  • Robin de Wit

Quote: “Jan Padberg and Johan Westerhof head a team at HVG Law LLP which is espe­cially strong in trust­ee-related work; it acted as the trust­ee of Charles Vögele which had a turnover of around  €60m. Asso­ci­ate part­ner Robin de Wit is act­ing as the trust­ee of Daan Auc­tions, a com­pany that organ­ised auc­tions for trust­ees in bank­ruptcy cases.


About the Leg­al 500

The Leg­al 500 is one of the lead­ing guides in the inter­na­tion­al leg­al pro­fes­sion. The annu­al rank­ings are based on feed­back from cli­ents and extens­ive inde­pend­ent mar­ket research. For more inform­a­tion about the rank­ings, vis­it Legal500.com.