HVG Law rank­ings in Leg­al 500 2020


The Leg­al 500 rank­ings for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) 2019 are announced. HVG Law is rep­res­en­ted in the Leg­al 500 rank­ings this year with 6 prac­tice areas and 12 law­yers. The rank­ings for HVG Law are as fol­lows:

Prac­tice areas

  • Energy
  • EU and com­pet­i­tion
  • Restruc­tur­ing and insolv­ency
  • Employ­ment
  • Real Estate
  • Com­mer­cial, Cor­por­ate and M&A


  • Sander Simonetti
  • Jacqueline Feld
  • Misha lutje Beerenbroek
  • Jan Padberg
  • Johan Westerhof
  • Robin de Wit
  • Jan Willem Stouthart
  • Sander van Leeuwen
  • Rutger Lambriex
  • Sijmen de Lange
  • Joram van den Berg

Energy – tier 3

  • Sander Simonetti
  • Jacqueline Feld

Sander delivered on time and on budget and the advice was com­mer­cial and user-friendly.

Excel­lent know­ledge of Dutch reg­u­lat­ory envir­on­ment with respect to energy. Pro­fes­sion­als are avail­able and have a good net­work with­in the Dutch energy sec­tor, includ­ing mem­bers of exec­ut­ive and super­vis­ory boards.

EU and com­pet­i­tion – tier 4

  • Misha lutje Beerenbroek

‘Misha Lutje Beerenbroek thinks very prac­tic­ally and has excel­lent know­ledge of com­pany and com­pet­i­tion law‘.

‘Misha Lutje Beerenbroek is a very pleas­ant law­yer. Prac­tic­al, street­wise, gives you a straight “yes” or “no” answer, which not too many law­yers are able to come up with‘.

Restruc­tur­ing and insolv­ency – tier 4

  • Jan Padberg
  • Johan Westerhof
  • Robin de Wit

Real Estate – tier 5

  • Jan Willem Stouthart
  • Sander van Leeuwen

Great team with expert­ise and know­ledge. Their response is swift, the con­tent is accur­ate and help­ful for the busi­ness.

Sander van Leeuwen is a very com­pet­ent law­yer, an expert in real estate. He is sharp, accur­ate and his eager­ness to win the case or to seek a solu­tion is praise­worthy.

Besides being strong nego­ti­at­ors, HVG Real Estate is keen to serve its cli­ents pro-act­ively and respons­ively.‘Quote: ‘Sander van Leeuwen is very respons­ive, ambi­tious, con­nec­ted.

In depth know­ledge of the Dutch real estate mar­ket.

HVG Law LLP has a very hands on approach and has been able to put the cli­ents’ interests first.

Sander van Leeuwen has always made him­self avail­able and man­aged to get an exper­i­enced team to solve mat­ters. He is not shy to tell you if he is not com­pletely sure on things and will make sure next time we meet he is sure. I would call him a “prac­tic­al” law­yer which makes him valu­able and someone you want on your side.

The team is able to quickly pro­cess new inform­a­tion and devel­op­ments and provide us with advice, even when they need to involve new col­leagues and expert­ise.

Sander van Leeuwen was quick to under­stand the com­plex­it­ies of our cases and able to provide us quickly with input and advice.

The team and indi­vidu­als go above and bey­ond the brief. They are not there to provide the agreed ser­vices but they are there to help the cli­ent close the case/ deal/ etc. For us as a cli­ent that’s the only way to move for­ward. Not many teams from oth­er firms are as ded­ic­ated.

Com­mer­cial, cor­por­ate and M&A – tier 6

  • Rutger Lambriex
  • Sijmen de Lange
  • Joram van den Berg

‘HVG’s sup­port and advice is insight­ful and tailored to the situ­ation thanks to their excel­lent under­stand­ing of trans­ac­tions and cli­ent pri­or­it­ies from a busi­ness per­spect­ive as well as leg­al.’Quote: ‘The team is great at “big pic­ture” think­ing and anti­cip­at­ing needs/issues that may not be on your radar yet. They give very prac­tic­al solu­tions and under­stand the cli­ents needs.’


About Leg­al 500

Leg­al 500 is one of the lead­ing guides in the inter­na­tion­al leg­al pro­fes­sion. The annu­al rank­ings are based on feed­back from cli­ents and extens­ive inde­pend­ent mar­ket research. For more inform­a­tion about the rank­ings, vis­it Legal500.com.