What is the UBO-register?


As of 27 Septem­ber 2020 the Dutch UBO-register will enter into force. As of that date, newly incor­por­ated entit­ies must register their ulti­mate bene­fi­cial own­ers (or “UBO’s”) dir­ectly after incor­por­a­tion upon regis­tra­tion with the Dutch Cham­ber of Com­merce. Exist­ing Dutch entit­ies have to register their UBO(‘s) with the Dutch Cham­ber of Com­merce with­in 18 months (before the end of March, 2022).

We exper­i­ence that an increas­ing num­ber of our cli­ents are won­der­ing what the implic­a­tions of the UBO-register are for their organ­iz­a­tion. In below fly­er we provide you with a brief over­view of the char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the Dutch UBO-register.

Qual­i­fy­ing UBO’s requires a tail­or-made approach and can be rather com­plex under cir­cum­stances. We are of course happy to assist you with the Dutch UBO-regis­tra­tion and the assess­ment of any con­sequences for your organ­iz­a­tion. Should you have any ques­tions in rela­tion to the Dutch UBO-register, please let us know.