Fly­er Entity Com­pli­ance & Gov­ernance


Help­ing com­pan­ies nav­ig­ate the evolving land­scape of cor­por­ate gov­ernance.  What if you could:

  • rest assured in timely dis­clos­ure of accur­ate cor­por­ate data
  • ensure that sub­si­di­ary board gov­ernance aligns with and sup­ports your tax struc­ture
  • have access to a single, accur­ate source of cor­por­ate data
  • spend less time on admin­is­trat­ive tasks without adding undue risk

HVG Law leg­al man­aged ser­vices (LMS) assists mul­tina­tion­al com­pan­ies in meet­ing their leg­al entity oblig­a­tions effi­ciently and cost effect­ively on a glob­al scale.  We deliv­er an integ­rated and hol­ist­ic approach across the leg­al entity life­cycle.  Key ser­vices fall into three dis­tinct areas:

  • annu­al com­pli­ance activ­it­ies
  • routine com­pli­ance activ­it­ies
  • advis­ory and spe­cial pro­jects

Read more in the fly­er below.