HVG Law in Leg­al 500 Green Guide: EMEA 2023

Valuable listing


Each year, the edit­ors of the Leg­al 500 Green Guide con­duct extens­ive research into the know­ledge and exper­i­ence of teams as well as cre­den­tials and recog­nize firms that are strongly posi­tioned on cli­mate change, gov­ernance and sus­tain­ab­il­ity issues and a firm’s con­tri­bu­tion to “green change” and Envir­on­ment­al, Social and Gov­ernance (ESG). In this edi­tion, HVG Law gets a valu­able list­ing.

HVG Law LLP has a core ESG team to assist cor­por­ate cli­ents with their envir­on­ment­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity strategies, with par­tic­u­lar expert­ise advising on invest­ments and trans­ac­tions in innov­at­ive green tech­no­lo­gies’

We are obvi­ously proud of this men­tion and of the ESG team that con­tin­ues tire­lessly to raise aware­ness and advise our cli­ents in this area.

Bart Wolters, part­ner and Co ESG-Lead for HVG Law:

Through our stra­tegic alli­ance with our mul­tidiscip­lin­ary part­ner EY (Tax) and as part of the EY Glob­al Law Net­work we are very well posi­tioned to assist our cli­ents with all their ESG and sus­tain­ab­il­ity chal­lenges’

Read more about the list­ing of HVG Law and oth­er firms : Green Guide – EMEA – 2023 – The Legal 500


Review Leg­al 500 Green Guide: EMEA 2023


Dutch busi­ness law firm HVG Law LLP has a core ESG team to assist cor­por­ate cli­ents with their envir­on­ment­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity strategies, with par­tic­u­lar expert­ise advising on invest­ments and trans­ac­tions in innov­at­ive green tech­no­lo­gies. 

With­in the renew­able energy sec­tor, a key cli­ent is off­shore developer Sol­ar­Duck. The firm provided reg­u­lat­ory and con­trac­tu­al advice in the client’s pro­vi­sion of its float­ing sol­ar tech­no­logy as part of energy com­pany RWE’s bid for the off­shore wind farm Hol­landse Kust West. 

Key indi­vidu­al Bart Wolters, who handles cor­por­ate mat­ters with­in the firm’s ESG team, advised insect-based ingredi­ent man­u­fac­turer Protix with a €50m fund­ing round in equity. The fund­ing sup­ports the client’s expan­sion as it works to cre­ate a cir­cu­lar food sys­tem with a low eco­lo­gic­al foot­print. 

Anoth­er cli­ent is renew­able energy-focused invest­ment and asset man­ager Taaleri, whom the firm advised in its invest­ment into eco­lo­gic­al pack­aging com­pany Colom­bi­er. The invest­ment was the first made by the client’s bioin­dustry fund, which is com­pli­ant with Art­icle 9 of the EU SFDR and will invest in facil­it­ies and com­pan­ies toward accel­er­at­ing bioin­dustry pro­duc­tion. 

Also with­in the green innov­a­tions space, the firm advised Ioniqa Tech­no­lo­gies, which have developed a pro­cess to infin­itely recycle low-grade PET waste and con­sequen­tially replace oil-based raw mater­i­als in PET poly­es­ter pro­duc­tion, on the invest­ment offered by Koch Tech­no­logy Solu­tions to scale-up the devel­op­ment of the innov­at­ive pro­cess.

Pro bono assist­ance and intern­al ini­ti­at­ives are a firm part of the team’s com­mit­ment to add value to soci­ety. As a found­ing mem­ber of Pro Bono Con­nect, the firm has exten­ded free leg­al advice to NGOs includ­ing Green­peace Inter­na­tion­al. As a mem­ber of EY’s Law Net­work, the firm also par­ti­cip­ated in the ‘Ripples’ pro­gramme, which partnered it with cli­mate-action ini­ti­at­ive Life Terra to plant trees across the Neth­er­lands.