The Hag­ue Peace Pro­ject

Advice in the field of health law and privacy law


HVG Law has advised the found­a­tion The Hag­ue Peace Pro­jects in the field of health law and pri­vacy law. The Hag­ue Peace Pro­jects is a non-profit organ­iz­a­tion that sup­ports change­makers around the world by provid­ing them with fund­ing, train­ing and con­nec­tions to help cre­ate real change.

The found­a­tion recently set up the ‘Emo­tion­al Sup­port & Well­ness pro­gram’. This pro­gram is liv­ing to sup­port asylum seekers and refugees in the Neth­er­lands by help­ing to care for their emo­tion­al well-being and cre­ate a pos­it­ive change. Part­ner­ing togeth­er with a volun­teer, through a con­ver­sa­tion, asylum seekers and refugees will be sup­por­ted in build­ing skills to take care of their own men­tal health.

HVG Law assisted The Hag­ue Peace Pro­jects on the applic­ab­il­ity of Dutch health laws and reg­u­la­tions regard­ing the Emo­tion­al Sup­port & Well­ness pro­gram. In addi­tion, the HVG Law pri­vacy team advised on the data pro­tec­tion require­ments that the pro­gram must meet. HVG Law has provided prag­mat­ic guidelines to align the pro­gram with the applic­able laws and reg­u­la­tions.

On behalf of HVG Law, Jan Andringa, Niels Niggelie, Emelie Wesselink and Kim Schep­el were involved. Regard­ing the col­lab­or­a­tion with HVG Law, Ms. Skir­mante Sabataitytė (pro­gram lead of the Emo­tion­al Sup­port & Well­ness pro­gram) notes the fol­low­ing: 

“I am very grate­ful for the both – advice on health law and data pri­vacy law. All pos­sible ques­tions were tackled and really looked at in a very detailed way to ensure there are no dis­crep­an­cies and con­cerns left in regard to our pro­gram. Both teams (the Health­care team and the Pri­vacy team) were very pro­fes­sion­al in the sup­port.”

bout the Pro Bono-activ­it­ies of HVG Law

HVG Law is a found­ing mem­ber of Pro Bono Connect. Pro Bono Con­nect is the first pub­lic interest clear­ing­house in the Neth­er­lands and acts an inter­me­di­ary between non-gov­ern­ment­al organ­isa­tions (NGOs) and lead­ing law firms. With­in HVG Law, sev­en law­yers form the Pro Bono Com­mit­tee. They assess applic­a­tions from Pro Bono Con­nect and – when an applic­a­tion is accep­ted – advise the NGO on their con­crete request for assist­ance. The request from The Hag­ue Peace Pro­jects has also been received via Pro Bono Con­nect.