Appoint­ments as of July 1, 2024


We are proud to announce that HVG Law has appoin­ted Arnout Rodewijk, Joram van den Berg, and Robin de Wit as Part­ners from with­in its own ranks as of July 1, 2024. These well-deserved pro­mo­tions are the dir­ect res­ult of their relent­less ded­ic­a­tion to our cli­ents, their teams, and the office. Robin and Arnout are homegrown part­ners, and Joram has also been act­ive for HVG Law for many years. With the appoint­ments of Arnout, Joram, and Robin, we not only strengthen the lead­er­ship of our organ­iz­a­tion but also solid­i­fy the prac­tices in which they have been appoin­ted, namely Cor­por­ate Restruc­tur­ing & Reor­gan­iz­a­tions, Cor­por­ate M&A, and Insolv­ency & Restruc­tur­ing.

We con­grat­u­late them whole­heartedly and wish Robin, Arnout, and Joram every suc­cess in their new role!

“I am par­tic­u­larly pleased with these appoint­ments. This is an import­ant step for our office and the strength­en­ing of these key prac­tice groups. I am con­vinced that Joram, Arnout, and Robin will bring a lot to their new roles and wish them every suc­cess!”
Frank Zandee Man­aging Part­ner HVG Law

We would like to intro­duce you to the three new part­ners of HVG Law.



Arnout Rodewijk

Arnout has been work­ing at HVG Law LLP since Novem­ber 2011 with­in the expert­ise of Cor­por­ate restruc­tur­ing. Arnout mainly focuses on nation­al and inter­na­tion­al cor­por­ate law and con­tract law. In addi­tion, Arnout has exper­i­ence with mat­ters in the field of (inter­na­tion­al) trans­port and logist­ics.


Arnout’s areas of focus include:

  • Cor­por­ate and com­pany law
  • (Inter­na­tion­al) restruc­tur­ings and refin­an­cings
  • Cor­por­ate gov­ernance issues
  • Com­mer­cial con­tracts

Fur­ther­more, Arnout is spe­cial­ized in com­pli­ance and leg­al account­ing issues.



Robin de Wit

Robin leads the Insolv­ency & Restruc­tur­ing expert­ise and has over 20 years of exper­i­ence as a law­yer and bank­ruptcy trust­ee.

He is reg­u­larly appoin­ted as a trustee/administrator in bankruptcies/suspensions of pay­ments.

Robin is also avail­able to act as a restruc­tur­ing expert in WHOA (Dutch Scheme of Arrange­ment) pro­cesses.


  • Insolv­ency and (WHOA) restruc­tur­ings (WHOA restruc­tur­ing expert, advice in last-minute situ­ations, turn­arounds, ring-fen­cing, refin­an­cings)
  • Secur­it­ies and their enforce­ment (pledge, mort­gage, guar­an­tee, joint and sev­er­al liab­il­ity, Art­icle 403, recourse, sub­rog­a­tion)
  • Dis­tressed M&A trans­ac­tions
  • Debt recov­ery (reten­tion of title, right of reclam­a­tion)
  • Attach­ment and exe­cu­tion
  • Lit­ig­a­tion
  • Director’s liab­il­ity
  • Fraud­u­lent trans­fer dis­cus­sions
  • (Turbo) liquid­a­tion of com­pan­ies
  • Com­mer­cial con­tracts
  • Cor­por­ate and com­pany law



Joram van den Berg

Joram works with­in the expert­ise of Cor­por­ate M&A. He focuses on mer­gers and acquis­i­tions, private equity, gov­ernance issues, joint ven­tures, and restruc­tur­ings.


Joram has extens­ive exper­i­ence in guid­ing both private equity and stra­tegic M&A trans­ac­tions. In the private equity sec­tor, Joram has worked with sev­er­al PE firms includ­ing H2 Equity Part­ners, Torqx Cap­it­al Part­ners, Cap­it­al A, IK Invest­ment Part­ners, Par­com Cap­it­al, and Syn­er­gia Cap­it­al Part­ners.

Joram spe­cific­ally spe­cial­izes in the sec­tors of agri-food, health­care, and the tem­por­ary staff­ing and sourcing industry.