What changes for your organ­isa­tion?

New enforcement rules from the Tax Authority for the use of independent contractors


Miri­am Michiels, a tax spe­cial­ist at EY Belastingad­viseurs, has developed this action plan in response to the new enforce­ment rules of the Dutch Tax Author­it­ies regard­ing the use of inde­pend­ent con­tract­ors. It is essen­tial to ensure that your organ­iz­a­tion is pre­pared for the forth­com­ing changes. We are, of course, pleased to col­lab­or­ate with you in a mul­tidiscip­lin­ary man­ner.



Want to know more about everything related to the top­ic of inde­pend­ent con­tract­ors? Click here!