Chil­dren of Her­oes of Ukraine

Legal assistance in setting up the European organization


The inter­na­tion­al Chil­dren of Her­oes of Ukraine Found­a­tion (Chil­dren of Her­oes) sup­ports Ukrain­i­an chil­dren who have lost one or both par­ents due to the ongo­ing con­flict. Through gen­er­ous dona­tions, Chil­dren of Her­oes offers a wide range of essen­tial sup­port, includ­ing human­it­ari­an and emer­gency aid, psy­cho­lo­gic­al care, edu­ca­tion­al sup­port, and assist­ance secur­ing neces­sit­ies like food and shel­ter.

When Chil­dren of Her­oes star­ted set­ting up their European organ­iz­a­tion by estab­lish­ing a found­a­tion in the Neth­er­lands, they reached out to Pro Bono Con­nect for leg­al assist­ance. Pro Bono Con­nect matched Chil­dren of Her­oes with HVG Law. Since then, HVG Law has assisted Chil­dren of Her­oes in numer­ous leg­al areas such as employ­ment law, fin­an­cial reg­u­lat­ory law, con­tract­ing, and data pro­tec­tion.


Reflect­ing on our col­lab­or­a­tion dur­ing the past months, Nat­aliia Laz­ar­eva (leg­al coun­sel for Chil­dren of Her­oes) shared the fol­low­ing kind words:

“The pro­fes­sion­al­ism, expert­ise, and unwaver­ing com­mit­ment of the HVG Law team and espe­cially Olivia van Rikxoort to achieve the best pos­sible out­come and sup­port of Sticht­ing Chil­dren of Her­oes of Ukraine was truly impress­ive. From our ini­tial con­sulta­tions to the res­ol­u­tion of the mat­ter, all team mem­bers guided us with clar­ity and con­fid­ence every step of the way. A pleas­ant and friendly atmo­sphere and per­son­al sup­port accom­pan­ied the entire pro­cess. Their leg­al sup­port has a great impact on the activ­ity of our found­a­tion, and they helped to set most of the neces­sary leg­al tools for our newly estab­lished entity. We have no hes­it­a­tion in recom­mend­ing HVG Law to any­one seek­ing top leg­al ser­vices. Their expert­ise, com­mit­ment to cli­ent suc­cess, and integ­rity make them an excep­tion­al choice for leg­al rep­res­ent­a­tion. Thank you once again for your exem­plary pro­fes­sion­al­ism and ded­ic­a­tion!”


In response, the HVG Law team expressed their grat­it­ude for the col­lab­or­a­tion with Chil­dren of Her­oes. They are proud to have been able to con­trib­ute to achiev­ing the goals of Chil­dren of Her­oes. HVG Law is espe­cially thank­ful for the con­tri­bu­tions of our col­leagues Dav­ey Herfst, Brent Crijns, Lis­ette Slag­maat, Vere Groenen, Olivia van Rikxoort, Jeannet van Vleuten, Mérien Voorboom, and Wille­mijn Jansma.