Max­im­iz­ing the value of dif­fer­ent per­spect­ives and back­grounds

At HVG Law, we believe in max­im­iz­ing the value of dif­fer­ent per­spect­ives and back­grounds (such as social mobil­ity, LGBTQIA+, eth­ni­city, age, gender) with­in our teams. Integ­rat­ing a vari­ety of points of view in our decision-mak­ing, oper­a­tions and actions is fun­da­ment­al to estab­lish­ing long-term value for our people, as well as long-term cli­ent, social and fin­an­cial value. This helps us to ful­fill the HVG Law mis­sion and pur­pose.

By doing so, we not only uphold our organization’s core val­ues and unique­ness but also foster dis­tinct­ive­ness, drive leg­al innov­a­tion, build trus­ted rela­tion­ships, ensure equit­able and excep­tion­al exper­i­ences for our people, and deliv­er the best solu­tions for our cli­ents. Diversity, equity and inclus­ive­ness are core to how we live our val­ues. These pri­or­it­ies, essen­tial for the board and part­ners, require focused atten­tion from our lead­er­ship, work­ing togeth­er with our DE&I com­mit­tee.

HVG Law Diversity, Equity & Inclu­sion state­ment

At HVG Law, we embrace diversity, equity and inclus­iv­ity as fun­da­ment­al pil­lars of our iden­tity and the way we work. We are com­mit­ted to foster an envir­on­ment where dif­fer­ences are val­ued, prac­tices and expert­ise are equit­able and our people exper­i­ence a sense of belong­ing. We always strive to have an atmo­sphere where our people are inspired to engage and lead with an inclus­ive mind­set in their inter­ac­tions every day. We are ded­ic­ated to fur­ther build and sus­tain a diverse work­force, imple­ment­ing equit­able pro­cesses and sys­tems, and nur­tur­ing an inclus­ive envir­on­ment. We are com­mit­ted that a wide spec­trum of indi­vidu­als is rep­res­en­ted and respec­ted through­out our firm, includ­ing at our most seni­or pos­i­tions.

About this state­ment:
The board and part­ners of HVG Law have signed this state­ment to reaf­firm our com­mit­ment to demon­strate inclus­ive lead­er­ship and our increased focus and account­ab­il­ity around Diversity, Equity & Inclus­ive­ness (DE&I).


Our DE&I com­mit­tee is con­sist­ing of Sandra van Loon, Eva Verhoef, Susan ten Haaf, Saarah El Jaouhari, Lis­ette van Slag­maat and Martijn Leenders. This com­mit­tee is focused on devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing ini­ti­at­ives that align with the com­mit­ment of the DE&I state­ment.

"We strive for equal oppor­tun­it­ies, fair treat­ment, and respect for every­one. We also endorse this in our Mis­sion, Vis­ion, and Core Val­ues as well as our DE&I State­ment."

Frank Zandee

[email protected] +31 6 29 08 33 26