In 2019, HVG Law developed and rolled out the “Future of Law” program to embed innovation into daily practice. “It is essential to innovate and invest in the rapidly changing environment and emerging digitalization”, says Hendrik-Jan Bleijerveld and Eva Verhoef, both of whom are responsible for innovation within HVG Law.
Innovation sprints
First MVP from Innovation sprint
Future of Law consists of three building blocks: (i) accessing innovation DNA; (ii) go-to-market solutions; and (iii) in-house innovation. The innovation sprints, which take place every quarter, are currently the most important part of this program and have already resulted in the first go-to-market MVP (minimum viable product).
Developing and accessing innovation DNA is an important objective of Future of Law. It turns out that HVG Law employs many innovative and creative people, who also have an affinity with technology. “We want to give our people the opportunity to discover, develop and access this creativity. We do this by organizing a quarterly innovation sprint. After the first sprint, we already actively involved about 75% of our colleagues in the Future of Law program.”
Innovation sprints consist of a kick-off with an inspiration session, brainstorm and use-case pitches, a two-day design sprint, a validation period and a closing Future of Law Day, where the results of the sprints are presented.
The first innovation sprint focused on Blockchain technology and resulted in a first, validated, Blockchain MVP focused on intercompany agreements. After a trial period, this product will be offered to HVG Law clients
The kick-off for the second innovation sprint on the topic “innovate around a problem” yielded no fewer than 18 potential use-cases, focused on in-house innovation and go-to-market solutions. “A tremendous way of gathering new ideas, but also of validating proposed plans.” The innovation sprints will take place through the end of this calendar year.
In addition to organizing innovation sprints and based on the “Build, Partner or Buy” principle, we continuously monitor any developments relevant to law and explore what products and services we can innovate and with which parties. In this context in the near future, we will launch an in-house Artificial Intelligence Due Diligence tool that will help us to inter alia review contracts in a very efficient manner and to analyze data for the benefit of the client.
We refer to the video below for an impression of the HVG Law innovation sprint.