
Know­ledge and insights from our spe­cial­ists

Shar­ing know­ledge

Shar­ing know­ledge for the bene­fit of our cli­ents' busi­ness

Shar­ing know­ledge is at the heart of our ser­vices. Our law­yers and (can­did­ate) civil-law not­ar­ies are not just famil­i­ar with a vari­ety of leg­al dis­cip­lines but also with a num­ber of spe­cif­ic mar­ket sec­tors in which our cli­ents oper­ate.

We believe it is import­ant to share our exper­i­ences and vis­ion with our cli­ents.  This makes our cooper­a­tion with our cli­ents more effi­cient and tar­geted.

Two sec­tors in which HVG Law is very act­ive are Health & Life Sci­ences and Pen­sions. The part­ners respons­ible, Jan Andringa (Health & Life Sci­ences) and Nicolette Opdam (Pen­sions), offer their views on devel­op­ments in these sec­tors that may be rel­ev­ant to your busi­ness.

Their views on devel­op­ments are avail­able in Dutch and can be found here.

Recent insights