
Our team

With­in the inde­pend­ent con­tract­or team at HVG Law, you will find exper­i­enced  law­yers who provide advice on vari­ous issues related to inde­pend­ent con­tract­ors. Below is our core team. They are eager to assist you with your inde­pend­ent con­tract­or-related chal­lenges.

Through our stra­tegic col­lab­or­a­tion with Ernst & Young Belastingad­viseurs and our integ­ra­tion into the glob­al EY Law net­work, we can approach your inde­pend­ent con­tract­or issues in a hol­ist­ic and mul­tidiscip­lin­ary man­ner. This encom­passes not only the leg­al dimen­sions but also addresses the fin­an­cial and tax aspects.

Should you require a spe­cial­ist in the field of inde­pend­ent con­tract­ors, please do not hes­it­ate to con­tact us. We are happy to con­nect you with the right expert.

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