"Making clear agreements with independent contractors is crucial to minimize (financial) risks for your company."
Jeannet van Vleuten

Since 2015, Jeannet van Vleuten works at HVG Law within the expertise Labor & Employment. She focuses on advice and litigation in the field of employment law and the right of participation.
Jeannet’s areas of expertise include:
- individual and collective right of dismissal
- co-determination
- restructuring
- collective bargaining law
- incapacity for work and reintegration
- flexible employment relations
- transfer of undertaking
Additional information
In 2015, Jeannet graduated from the University of Amsterdam, with a master’s degree in employment law. She studied at the Universitat de València in Spain for the duration of one semester during her Bachelor study.
In 2022, Jeannet successfully completed (cum laude) the Postgraduate Course in Employment Law (in Dutch: PALA).
Jeannet is a member of the following specialist associations: the Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN), the Young Employment Lawyers Association (in Dutch: VJAA), the Rotterdam Association for Employment Lawyers (in Dutch: VRAA) and the Association for Employment Law (in Dutch: VvA)
Jeannet wrote several publications. Since 2018she is co-author of various chapters for the book “Jaarboek Arbeidsvoorwaarden en medezeggenschap”. She has also written Annotations in the JIN (JIN 2018/44 and JIN 2016/185) and articles in the journal Grensoverschrijdend werken (April 2023, issue 54, and November 2024, issue 66).