This webinar has already taken place.
We invite you to join our webinar to hear our insights from over a year of experience in various Schrems II-projects.
Saskia Vermeer-de Jongh (HVG Law) and Wout Olieslagers (HVG Law) will provide legal insights with regard to the Schrems II-ruling. Bernadette Wesdorp (EY Consulting) will provide technical and organizational insights. You can register via the sign up button on this page.
The 2020 Schrems II-ruling of the EU Court of Justice and recent guidance of the European Data Protection Board have far-reaching implications for all organizations transferring personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It can be challenging for organizations to decide on the approach to implement this ruling and guidance. During Schrems II-projects, we have experienced that several factors are crucial for determining the approach. Examples of those factors are that organizations are taking the number of international data transfers into account, the available information, their risk appetite, the renewal date of their contracts, etc. These and other factors and different approaches will be discussed during our interactive webinar.
We are also interested in learning your organization’s approach regarding Schrems II – especially in the main challenges you are facing.
It promises to be an interesting and practice-oriented webinar.