Pub­lic pro­cure­ment

What flexibility does public procurement law still offer?

Our services

Equal opportunities for every tenderer

Public contracts of any significance must in principle be tendered on a European level. Accordingly, transparency and the creation of a level playing field for all tenderers are key issues in any public procurement procedure. However, public authorities often have to take public procurement law into account even for smaller contracts, as a result of the Public Procurement Act, which is well-established by now, but also because of the (European) principles of public procurement law. Private parties may also have to take into account those principles if they organise private procurement procedures. During the period from the preparation of the procurement procedure to the conclusion of the contract, many questions may arise both on the demand and the supply side of the process. Correct answers to those questions are necessary to prevent debate and disputes about contract awards and delays in the execution of projects.

Our expertise

HVG Law assists both contracting authorities and companies as tendering private market participants, and is fully conversant with all aspects of the procurement spectrum.

We advise and litigate in the areas of:

  • public procurement obligations for works, supply and services contracts
  • tender documentation
  • tender withdrawals/amendments
  • concurrence with state aid, competition and spatial planning
  • sector-specific procurement (transport, energy)
  • civil cease-and-desist proceedings
  • complaints procedures


"The combination with other disciplines, such as state aid, spatial planning and competition law makes my work even more interesting."