Pro­fes­sion­al Rules

Giving legal context to the content of this website

Keep in mind

HVG Law B.V.

HVG Law B.V. is a private lim­ited liab­il­ity com­pany estab­lished under the laws of the Neth­er­lands.  In the Neth­er­lands, HVG Law B.V. has loc­al offices in Ams­ter­dam, Eind­hoven, Rot­ter­dam and Utrecht.

Regis­tra­tion with Com­pan­ies House

HVG Law B.V. has its prin­cip­al place of busi­ness at Boom­pjes 258, 3011 XZ Rot­ter­dam, the Neth­er­lands and is registered with the Dutch trade register of the Cham­ber of Com­merce under num­ber 92703143. The trade names of HVG Law B.V. are HVG Law B.V., HVG and Hol­land Van Gijzen Advoc­aten and Not­ar­ies.

VAT num­ber

The VAT num­ber of HVG Law B.V. is NL8661.46.350.B.01

Pro­fes­sion­al organ­iz­a­tion regis­tra­tion

All law­yers of HVG Law B.V. are mem­bers of and registered with the Netherlands Bar Association (NOvA) Prinses Beat­rix­laan 5, 2595 AK The Hag­ue, PO Box 30851, 2500 GW The Hag­ue.

All civil-law not­ar­ies and can­did­ate civil-law not­ar­ies are mem­bers of and registered with the Royal Notarial Association (KNB) Spui 184, 2511 BW The Hag­ue, P.O. Box 16020, 2500 BA The Hag­ue.

Gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions

The gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of HVG Law B.V. apply to all work executed by HVG Law B.V..  The gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions of HVG Law B.V. are filed with the Dutch trade register of the Cham­ber of Com­merce.

Gov­ern­ing law and court of com­pet­ent jur­is­dic­tion

All agree­ments between cli­ents and HVG Law B.V. as well as all con­trac­tu­al and oth­er oblig­a­tions ensu­ing from the agree­ments between cli­ents and HVG Law B.V. and work executed by HVG Law B.V., are gov­erned by, and must be inter­preted in accord­ance with, Dutch law.  All dis­putes with regard to the afore­said agree­ments or work will be sub­mit­ted to the exclus­ive jur­is­dic­tion of the Rot­ter­dam Dis­trict Court. The Complaints and Dispute Settlement Scheme for the Notarial Profession applies to the not­ari­al pro­vi­sion of ser­vices by HVG Law B.V..  The Com­plaints and Dis­pute Set­tle­ment Scheme for the Leg­al Pro­fes­sion does not apply to the pro­vi­sion of ser­vices by the law­yers of HVG Law B.V.


The fees charged by HVG Law B.V. to cli­ents are based on the hourly rate of the law­yer, civil-law not­ary or can­did­ate civil-law not­ary involved, mul­ti­plied by the num­ber of hours spent by the law­yer, civil-law not­ary or can­did­ate civil-law not­ary involved. The hourly rate var­ies for each law­yer, civil-law not­ary or can­did­ate civil-law not­ary and is based on the exper­i­ence and spe­cial­iz­a­tion of the law­yer, civil-law not­ary or can­did­ate civil-law not­ary involved. In addi­tion to the costs of the fees, HVG Law B.V. also charges addi­tion­al costs, such as office costs, court fees, dis­burse­ments, costs of engaged third parties, turnover tax, etc. A detailed cost estim­ate for the agreed work is always included in the over­view of ser­vices in the agree­ment for ser­vices.

Pro­vi­sion of leg­al ser­vice

HVG Law B.V. executes its legal work, provision of services and lit­ig­a­tion by way of the fol­low­ing areas of expert­ise: Com­mer­cial Agree­ments, Com­pet­i­tion & Reg­u­lated Mar­kets, Cor­por­ate M&A, Fin­ance Law, Civil Law Not­ar­ies, Leg­al Man­aged Ser­vices, Cor­por­ate Restruc­tur­ing, Digit­al, Cyber and Pri­vacy, Insolv­ency & Restruc­tur­ing, Energy & Util­it­ies, Fin­an­cial Reg­u­lat­ory, Labor &  Employ­ment and Pen­sions.

In addi­tion, HVG Law B.V. focuses on a num­ber of spe­cif­ic mar­ket sec­tors, namely Health Care, Tech­no­logy, Private Equity, Oil & Gas, Fin­an­cial Ser­vices, Gov­ern­ment & Pub­lic Sec­tor and Real Estate.

Pro­fes­sion­al liab­il­ity insur­ance

HVG Law B.V. has pro­fes­sion­al liab­il­ity insur­ance. HVG Law B.V. is adequately insured hav­ing regard to the extent of its prac­tice and the require­ments set out by the Leg­al Pro­fes­sion Reg­u­la­tion for pro­fes­sion­al liab­il­ity insur­ance.

Leg­al Prac­tice Com­plaints Pro­ced­ure

The leg­al prac­tice of HVG Law B.V. has a Legal Practice Complaints Procedure for lawyers in accord­ance with the Leg­al Pro­fes­sion Reg­u­la­tion.  HVG Law B.V. declares that the Leg­al Prac­tice Com­plaints Pro­ced­ure for law­yers is applic­able to each agree­ment for ser­vices entered into with a cli­ent, and fur­ther­more that the Leg­al Prac­tice Com­plaints Pro­ced­ure for law­yers exclus­ively con­cerns the work that is executed by a law­yer or law­yers of HVG Law B.V.

Pro­fes­sion­al rules and reg­u­la­tions

HVG Law B.V. provides its ser­vices and executes its leg­al work in accord­ance with the applic­able (pro­fes­sion­al) reg­u­la­tions and that which is required from HVG Law B.V. pur­su­ant to the law. In this con­text, pro­fes­sion­al rules are tasks to mean the rules of pro­fes­sion­al con­duct and prac­tice, which must be observed dur­ing the exe­cu­tion of the assign­ment by HVG Law B.V., such as the rules and reg­u­la­tions of the Netherlands Bar Association and/or the Roy­al Notarial Association.

Cooper­a­tion and pre­ven­tion of con­flicts of interests

HVG Law B.V. is a private lim­ited liab­il­ity com­pany estab­lished under the laws of the Neth­er­lands in which law­yers, civil-law not­ar­ies and can­did­ate civil-law not­ar­ies offer and execute the pro­vi­sion of leg­al ser­vices in a lim­ited liab­il­ity part­ner­ship, provide advice and con­duct leg­al pro­ceed­ings before vari­ous judi­cial author­it­ies.  HVG Law B.V. oper­ates at a nation­al as well as inter­na­tion­al level, with loc­al offices in Ams­ter­dam, Eind­hoven, Rot­ter­dam, Utrecht and leg­al desks in New York, Chica­go and San Jose (USA). HVG Law B.V. has a stra­tegic alli­ance with EY Belastingad­viseurs B.V. and is part of the glob­al EY Law net­work.  HVG Law B.V. is in pos­ses­sion of and util­izes an intern­al com­pu­ter­ized sys­tem in order to pre­vent con­flicts of interests.

Agree­ment for ser­vices

As soon as an agree­ment for ser­vices goes into effect between HVG Law B.V. and a cli­ent, this will be con­firmed in writ­ing and form­al­ized in an agree­ment for ser­vices.  Included in the enclosed “over­view of ser­vices” is a descrip­tion of the scope of the leg­al work, the rates, the fee, the oth­er costs that will be charged for the work, which law­yers and/or civil-law not­ar­ies or can­did­ate civil-law not­ar­ies will be execut­ing the work, as well as any addi­tion­al arrange­ments.  The gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions, which form part of the agree­ment for ser­vices, will be attached as an appendix to the agree­ment for ser­vices.

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