With­in Reach Hold­ing B.V.

HVG Law advised Within Reach Holding B.V. with the acquisition of all shares in Crystal Networks B.V.


Within Reach Holding B.V. adds, through Eazit B.V., telecommunications and IT service provider Crystal Networks B.V. to its group. Crystal Networks is a fast-growing business communications service provider and specialises in offering complete workplaces for small and midsize companies. It has specialist knowledge on fixed and mobile telephony, hardware, installation and services, IT and internet, which will strengthen the business position of Within Reach on the Dutch market. Crystal Networks operates with a team of 20 employees and serves over 1,500 business relations.

Crystal Networks will be integrated with Eazit B.V., a Dutch business communications provider, which was acquired by the Within Reach group in April 2018. Edwin van Buren, the current managing director of Crystal Networks, will be the new CEO of the new combination.

Within Reach is supported by the pan-European investment company Waterland and invests in promising and innovative European telecommunication companies. Within Reach Holding B.V. is the holding company of several brands such as Eazit, Voiceworks, Swyx, ipnordic and Centile. The Witihin Reach group is active in its core markets Germany, the Netherlands and France, and has activities in 25 countries and more than 600 employees.

"By acquiring Crystal Networks, Within Reach confirms its strong growth ambitions together with investor Waterland."