Guid­ance in cre­at­ing a safe and healthy work envir­on­ment

Are you compliant with national and international health and safety regulations?


Human cap­it­al is one of the biggest assets of suc­cess­ful organ­iz­a­tions. The health and safety of employ­ees is there­fore para­mount. Employ­ers are required to ensure the health and safety of their employ­ees, sup­por­ted by related oblig­a­tions.

HVG Law offers tail­or­made solu­tions in ensur­ing com­pli­ance with nation­al and inter­na­tion­al health and safety reg­u­la­tions, provide guid­ance in cre­at­ing a safe and healthy work envir­on­ment and sup­port with regard to claims and/or (inten­ded) actions from the Dutch labor inspect­or­ate and/or employ­ees. To learn more about the health and safety ser­vices we offer:

Dutch occu­pa­tion­al health and safety reg­u­la­tions grant employ­ees a range of pro­tec­tions that cre­ate oblig­a­tions for employ­ers. The fol­low­ing factsheet provides a first glance of afore­men­tioned oblig­a­tions