Webinars on Gen-AI in Leg­al Prac­tices

HVG Law Webin­ar week June 17-21, 2024. Free par­ti­cip­a­tion.

Webinars on Gen-AI in leg­al prac­tice, includ­ing:

  • Leg­al Gen-AI: Intro­duc­tion to gen­er­at­ive AI and the law
  • Leg­al Gen-AI: Archi­tec­tures and Tech­nic­al Meth­ods
  • Leg­al Gen-AI: Prompt Engin­eer­ing
  • Leg­al Gen-AI: Risks, Secur­ity & Reg­u­la­tion
  • Leg­al Gen-AI: Implic­a­tions for leg­al work and the pro­fes­sion; a prac­tic­al guide
  • Leg­al Gen-AI: Safety & Secur­ity vs. Pro­gress & Adop­tion: Sparks of AGI
  • The EU AI Act