Import­ant changes: reform of the Post­ing of Work­ers Dir­ect­ive and Wag­wEU


Employ­ees pos­ted tem­por­ar­ily to anoth­er EU Mem­ber state should receive equal pay for equal work in the same place. These (revised) rules have been approved by the European Par­lia­ment on May 29, 2018, and hence, it has adop­ted the pro­posed revi­sion of the Post­ing of Work­ers Dir­ect­ive. EU Mem­ber States shall adopt and pub­lish the laws and reg­u­la­tions neces­sary to com­ply with this revised Dir­ect­ive in mid-2020, after a trans­pos­i­tion dead­line of two years.

The revi­sion of the Post­ing of Work­ers Dir­ect­ive is aimed at guar­an­tee­ing respect for the rights of work­ers and a level play­ing field for busi­ness.

In this alert we briefly dis­cuss the gen­er­al adjust­ments that this Dir­ect­ive provides.