Our services
Perfectly positioned for cross-border cases
Competition law prohibits anti-competitive practices, whether they are restrictive arrangements contained in an agreement, concerted practices engaged in by independent companies or unilateral conduct (abuse) by a company with a dominant position. The Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (Autoriteit Consument & Markt, ACM) and the European Commission are in charge of monitoring compliance with and enforcement of (European and national) competition rules. Both authorities have far-reaching investigative resources and powers and can impose high fines in the event of a breach of competition law. In addition to enforcement under public law, companies may also be confronted with claims for damages under civil law (usually following the finding of an infringement by a national competition authority or the European Commission).
Thanks to our global EY Law network, we have access to competition law specialists in every part of the world, as we have offices in all relevant jurisdictions.
Our expertise
HVG Law advises and assists companies in all conceivable competition law issues, disputes and investigations regarding:
- merger, acquisition and joint venture notifications
- cartels
- abuse of a dominant position
- leniency applications
- raids and searches/investigations
- information exchange and cooperation between competitors
- distribution, franchise and agency matters
- civil damages actions
- compliance programmes