Webin­ar Pri­vacy Plat­form

June 4, 2020



This webin­ar has already taken place.

HVG Law and EY Advis­ory would like to invite you to the Pri­vacy Plat­form Webin­ar, second edi­tion, on 4 June 2020.

Dur­ing this webin­ar, we will dis­cuss the fol­low­ing top­ics:  data reten­tion and struc­tured and unstruc­tured data.  Tony de Bos and Saskia Vermeer-de Jongh will share their exper­i­ence, les­sons learned and address the key ques­tions and the golden stand­ards to over­come the chal­lenges.  They will dis­cuss the leg­al aspects and the organ­iz­a­tion­al aspect of these two top­ics.

Would you like to join this webin­ar?  Please click the yel­low but­ton to register.   This webin­ar is offered free of charge.



Thursday 4 June, 2020


14.00 - 15.00 p.m.

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